Thursday, July 10, 2014

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各位善信, 需要知道更快的消息或圣物可游覽以下面子书
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各位善信2014年5月1日的拜师大法会已圆满结束。谢谢各位善信的支持与捐助。phapa树总共筹得RM9100,泰币200,新币20。这筹款已全数交给WAT KURA 作为建造 LP THUAT 的基金。功德无量!Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!

In 2014 1st of May Wai Kru is perfection ending. Thanks for all attendance support and donation. The phapa tree donation is total RM9100, 200baht and $20. All the donation had passed to Wat kura monk for build big LP Thuat bucha funds. Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!

For More : Wai Kru Photo

第二批帝王木崇迪 ( 2nd Batch Raja kayu somdej )

第二批帝王木崇迪做了199粒, 供请价RM199.
2nd Batch Raja kayu somdej made 199pcs Only.

Special Limited Edition.. Takrut Jumbo Mahamongkhun - 9pcs Only

Special Limited Edition.. Takrut Jumbo Mahamongkhun

Archan tia 在5月1日拜师日当天, 特别做了9支 Takrut Jumbo mahamongkhun 长度为12.5cm。供请价RM2000。

Archan tia also special made 9pcs Takrut Jumbo maha mongkhun for this coming 1st of May (wai kru). The length for thus Jumbo takrut is 12.5cm. RM2000 per pcs.

Takrut maha mongkhun 加持

Archan tia 在 3/4/2557 开始每天各早,晚加持一次。这199支Takrut maha mongkhun。在19/4/2557当天是sauha日Archan tia 将在当天加持一整天。

佛祖开光仪式(Praying buddha ceremony)

Takrut Maha Mongkhun 第二批 2014

在这次的5月1日拜师法会( Wai Kru ), Archan Tia 将推出第二批 Takrut maha mongkhun。 此批 Takrut Maha Mongkhun 数量为199支而已,Takrut Maha Mongkhun 里用了Samkasat(金银铜)铜片做制成的。每张铜片的经文都是Archan Tia一手一笔画出来。而且每一张铜片都有不同的效果。

第一张:Yant Kor Paet (钻石经文) 来自 LP Parn 经文 + Itipiso 经文( Kongkrapan/刀枪不入)

第二张:Yant sivali(Nang kwak 经文+ 108 经文+招财经文)来自 LP Thep 经文 ( 生意,招财,人缘 )

第三张:Yant Paet tit (八方法轮经文) 来自 LP Thop 经文 (平安,避险)

第四张:Yant Paet tit (八方法轮经文) 来自 LP Derm 经文 84000心经(平安,避险)



每支长度为6cm, 也将会包上防水壳。
Takrut Maha Mongkhun 每支结缘价为RM199,同时也藉此机会让各位善信做佈施与功德。这批Takrut的数额将捐出给 Wat Kura 作为建造 LP Thuat 底座的费用。

Pha Pa tree sponsorship & 钱树报效 ( 2014 )

Pha Pa tree sponsorship
For this coming Wai Kru, Archan Tia offer “Phapa” tree for the sponsorship price of RM1000 each. All sponsorship will directly pass to the monk representative of Wat Kura after the Wai Kru event. This sponsorship will help in develop the statue of LP Thuad. The statue was 9.99 meter high and it will become the trademark/ hotspot for Kedah temple.

Welcome to the Wai Kru event. Your kind contribution and good deeds are unfailing investments, thank you and may triple gems and LP Thop bless you all, sadhu, sadhu, sadhu!

在这即将来临的5月1号拜师法会中阿占爹准备了钱树功德给善男信女,每棵钱树的报效金为RM1000,所筹得到的款项将归入Wat Kura 9.99米高 LP Thuad法相的建筑基金。这法相将会变成吉打州其中一个地标性的寺庙。


联络师傅的电话 04-7522984

Wai Kru 2014 (拜师法会 2014)

Archan Tia’s yearly important ceremony Wai Kru is in the corner! During this day it will be crowded by devotees that came from all over the nation some even from overseas, they all came here to receive blessing from Archan Tia. Some even came here early in the morning to avoid the long queue; they all loved to get blessed by Archan Tia’s lersi mask. It is also the day where the deity or spiritual devas will crowded because during this day the master of Archan Tia which is LP Thop and all other devas also will be presented in the area.

This year is the 14th of Wai Kru, although there are having some crisis on the temple matter, but it won’t affect the passion of Archan Tia and devotees to celebrate it. From the earlier’s attap house to become one of the significant temple in Kedah and turn again to become a Samnak. Archan Tia had faces a lot of obstruction but he still willing to service the mankind with all his sincerity.

So, this year, Wai Kru will be held at the Tam Nak Phu (master's house). It was located beside the barber shop.

Welcome to the Wai Kru event. Your kind contribution and good deeds are unfailing investments, thank you and may triple gems and LP Thop bless you all, sadhu, sadhu, sadhu!

阿占爹的拜师法会(Wai Kru)正在接近中,每年的51号这一天都会挤满了人潮,有些甚至一大早就报到,为的是要避免排长龙,抢先提前接受阿占爹的鲁士头加持,因为在这灵气逼人的一天,无论是阿占爹的师傅(LP Thop),或来自天上,或者还在人间修行的神灵们都会在周围接受善信们的供养,也会借此加持诚心前来祈福的善信们


今年的拜师法会将会在 Tam Nak Phu (师傅的屋子)举行。地点是在理发店旁的屋子。

Wai Kru 2013 Ending (2013拜师法会完结篇)

Year 2013 of Archan Tia Wai Kru festival at Tam Nak Phu has been successfully done 1/5/2013. This year we had manage to raise RM 9746 for the total amount of donation and all will be directly support in development of LP Thuad statue at Wat Kura. Although the venue had been changed, but there are at least 300 of devotees came to pay homage this year. On this day, some of the devotees came back to Tam Nak Phu although they stay from very far away, we can see from them throughout this that distance doesn’t matter, but is the sincerity that counts.

A tent was setup outside of samnak for the conveniently of those who like to get in trance because mostly those who get in trance will run wild so open space is more suitable to “set them free”. We are appreciating your time and effort for the continuous support toward Archan Tia and may triple gems bless you all. Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu… 

For more photo: Please click me

一年一度的拜师法会在昨天正式完成,今年共筹获马币9746,全部款项将会用于建造 Wat Kura LP Thuad 法像。虽然今年的地点已经更换但和往年一样,在这一天Tam Nak Phu还是挤满了至少300位善信前来进行灌顶以及膜拜。有些善信更是不计路途的遥远,在每年的这一天都会风雨不改,千里迢迢的回来支持师傅,或是还愿,或是接受灌顶,或是纯粹与老友们相聚,都不亦乐乎,法喜充满。

Tam Nak Phu的主坛外塔起了个临时的帐篷,为了要方便那些可以在诵经仪式时被上身的信徒有个开放的奔跑空间,而坛内则给那些喜欢安静的接受加持的善信们,所谓外武内文,阿占爹都周到的为众善信们设想。如果有缘,我们在下一年见!祝福大家安康,每年都成长进步,增长智慧与知识,善哉,善哉,善哉!


Wai Kru 2013 (拜师法会 2013)

Archan Tia’s yearly important ceremony Wai Kru is in the corner! During this day it will be crowded by devotees that came from all over the nation some even from overseas, they all came here to receive blessing from Archan Tia. Some even came here early in the morning to avoid the long queue; they all loved to get blessed by Archan Tia’s lersi mask. It is also the day where the deity or spiritual devas will crowded because during this day the master of Archan Tia which is LP Thop and all other devas also will be presented in the area.

This year is the 13th of Wai Kru, although there are having some crisis on the temple matter, but it won’t affect the passion of Archan Tia and devotees to celebrate it. From the earlier’s attap house to become one of the significant temple in Kedah and turn again to become a Samnak. Archan Tia had faces a lot of obstruction but he still willing to service the mankind with all his sincerity.

So, this year, Wai Kru will be held at the Tammakthu (master's house). It was located beside the barber shop.

The schedule of Wai Kru will be:
9.00 am   : Kop Kru (Blessed by Archan Tia’s lersi mask)
11.00 am : Chanting by Archan Tia and fellow monks from Wat Kura
12.00 pm : Lunch
2.00 pm   : Pha Pa ceremony

Pha Pa tree sponsorship
For this coming Wai Kru, Archan Tia offer “Phapa” tree for the sponsorship price of RM1000 each. All sponsorship will directly pass to the monk representative of Wat Kura after the Wai Kru event. This sponsorship will help in develop the statue of LP Thuad. The statue was 9.99 meter high and it will become the trademark/ hotspot for Kedah temple.

Welcome to the Wai Kru event. Your kind contribution and good deeds are unfailing investments, thank you and may triple gems and LP Thop bless you all, sadhu, sadhu, sadhu!

阿占爹的拜师法会(Wai Kru)正在接近中,每年的51号这一天都会挤满了人潮,有些甚至一大早就报到,为的是要避免排长龙,抢先提前接受阿占爹的鲁士头加持,因为在这灵气逼人的一天,无论是阿占爹的师傅(LP Thop),或来自天上,或者还在人间修行的神灵们都会在周围接受善信们的供养,也会借此加持诚心前来祈福的善信们


今年的拜师法会将会在 Tammakthu (师傅的屋子)举行。地点是在理发店旁的屋子。

9.00 am  :鲁士灌顶
11.00 am :阿占爹与 Wat Kura 庙和尚诵经祈福
12.00 pm :午餐
2.00 pm  Phapa 法会

在这即将来临的51号拜师法会中阿占爹准备了钱树功德给善男信女,每棵钱树的报效金为RM1000,所筹得到的款项将归入Wat Kura 9.99米高 LP Thuad法相的建筑基金。这法相将会变成吉打州其中一个地标性的寺庙。


Lek Nam Pi series amulet (Lek Nam Pi 圣物)

Archan Tia latest amulet will be focus on Lek Nam Pi meterial. Lek Nam Pi is a sacred material where it only can be found and mined in Uttaradit, Thailand. It is the most important ingredient in making the sword which used by the Royal King or General in long time ago in Thaiand. According to Archan Tia, LP Derm, Wat Nong Pho also adds Lek Nam Pi during the moulding of the Mitmor.

Some may ask, what is the main power of wearing Lek Nam Pi? Lek Nam Pi itself is a natural mineral. From what Thai belief, it can use for detoxication, cure black magic and ghost disturbance. Currently, Archan Tia manages to get the Lek Nam Pi directly from Uttaradit, Thailand and it was well molded at Thailand and chant by Archan Tia personally.

Let the pictures do the talking:

阿占爹最新的圣物将会以 Lek Nam Pi 原料做为主打。Lek Nam Pi 是个神圣的原料,此原料只可以在 Uttaradit, Thailand 寻获及开采。在泰国王族或将军的佩刀一定会加入 Lek Nam Pi 原料。除此以外,据Archan Tia 所说,LP Derm, Wat Nong Pho的法刀也加入Lek Nam Pi 原料一起铸造。

可能会有善信会问说,Lek Nam Pi 有什么特别呢,为何它是如此地神圣?Lek Nam Pi本身是一种矿物。泰国人相信Lek Nam Pi可以用来解毒,解降和避开鬼怪的骚扰。目前,阿占爹有幸拿到Uttaradit, Thailand Lek Nam Pi并运用它们来铸造佛牌及法刀。一切铸造过程将会由Uttaradit, Thailand当地的人负责,而阿占爹会亲自筹备圣料及坐禅开光圣物。

Pure Lek Nam Pi amulet sets consist of Phra Somdej, Phra Rod and Takrut. Only limited 99 sets.
纯Lek Nam Pi 佛牌配套包括Phra Somdej, Phra Rod 及 Takrut. 只限量发行99套。

Lek Nam Pi LP Thuad / Archan Toh.

Lek Nam Pi Mitmor, around 12cm. Takrut and Lek Nam Pi was melt together to mould it. Inside the handle of Mitmor is filled with sacred powder which produced by Archan Tia. (50 pcs ready stock)
Lek Nam Pi 法刀,大概12cm. 把铜符管及Lek Nam Pi 溶为一体并铸造而成。刀柄里塞有阿占爹所制造的圣粉。(有50支现货)

Lek Nam Pi Mitmor, around 9 inch. Takrut and Lek Nam Pi was melt together to mould it. Inside the handle of Mitmor is filled with sacred powder which produced by Archan Tia. (Need to pre-order)
Lek Nam Pi 法刀,大概9 寸。把铜符管及Lek Nam Pi 溶为一体并铸造而成。 刀柄里塞有阿占爹所制造的圣粉。(需预先订购)

Lek Nam Pi Mitmor, around 2 feets long. Takrut and Lek Nam Pi was melt together to mould it. Inside the handle of Mitmor is filled with sacred powder which produced by Archan Tia. (only 1 available)
Lek Nam Pi 法刀,大概2 尺长。把铜符管及Lek Nam Pi 溶为一体并铸造而成。 刀柄里塞有阿占爹所制造的圣粉。(只剩随后一个)

Comparison of 9 inches and 2 feets long of the Lek Nam Pi Mitmor
9寸及2尺长的 Lek Nam Pi 法刀合影

Current location of Archan Tia (阿占爹现居环境)

Google Map:


1. Exit Gurun Highway tol and turn RIGHT at the traffic light.
2. Go along the road about 15KM and when you see Kg Gajah Putih / Lubuk Merbau sign board. Turn LEFT.
3. Along the road, you will pass through a big signboard "Daerah Sik" on your left, just go straight and you will pass through Wat Kalai on your right. Continue to go straight.
4. Go straight to Kg Gajah Putih. After about 12KM, when you see Lubuk Merbau / Nami sign board, turn RIGHT. 
5. Go straight to Lubuk Merbau and Kg Kesom ( Wat Kura ). Pass through the Thai temple named Wat Kura (you will see a lot of tortoise statue in that temple) and go straight again, you are closed. 
6. When you see Kg Sg Mas and Padang Durian sign board (You can see the Wat Sungai Siput sign board as well ). Turn LEFT. 
7. You will notice Wat Sungai Siput is on your LEFT in about 1-2 mins.
8. Go straight again for 1km, you will see a BARBER SHOP at your right.
9. Archan Tia's tammakthu is just BESIDE the barber shop. 


1. 在 Gurun 的 Highway 出口处,红绿灯的地方转
2. 一直往前走,大概行了15KM 你就会看到 Kg Gajah Putih / Lubuk Merbau 的路牌,转 
3. 一直往前走,沿途你会看到 “Daerah Sik” 的路牌在你左边,再往前走,你会看到 “Wat Klai” 在你的右边。继续往前走就对了。
4. 一直往前走到 Kg Gajah Putih. 大概行了15KM,当你看到 Lubuk Merbau / Nami 的路牌时,转 
5. 一直往 Lubuk Merbau 以及 Kg Kesom 走。你会经过一间名位 Wat Kura 的暹庙,不要停,继续往前走。 
6. 一直往前走,当你看到 Kg Sg Mas and Padang Durian 路牌时,你也会看到空怀泰佛寺的小型黄色的站立牌,转。很靠近了。
7. 继续往前走,大概过了1分钟你就会看到暹庙的篱笆围墙在你左边驾驶位,那就是空怀泰佛寺。
8. 再往前走大概1km, 你会看到一间理发店在你的右手方向。
9. 阿占爹就在理发店旁的屋子。

Wat Sungai Siput still closed by the Siam committee.

Archan Tia tammakthu is just beside the barber shop

4 faces buddha as the trade mark

Exterior of the tammakthu

Interior of the tam nak phu

That Kham (Part 2)

After the temple crisis, everything had been settled down right now. Archan Tia still conducts the daily ritual to all devotees. This post will briefly share on the That Kham ritual. According to Archan Tia, most of the devotees who practice That Kham in Samnak for 2 or 3 times already reaches Samathi 3 where they can see their pre-existence.

That Kham is the “short-cut” to reach Samathi 3. At first, Archan Tia will pass the phayant to the devotees and ask them to chant the short katha. After that, they will breathe deeply, holding the phayant and chant the other katha in their heart. From here, it will have 3 different situations.
  1. If the devotees very mindful and focus on breathing, he/she will go into Samathi 3 easily.
  2. If the devotees focus on breathing at beginning and lose their mindfulness at the middle part, he/she will fall asleep.
  3. If the devotees focus on breathing at beginning and lose their mindfulness at the middle part, he/she will having trance.
Archan Tia teaches us this way is to let us know the peaceful and the beauty of the meditation. Besides that, it also can let us see our pre-existence and ask for the forgiveness if we had done anything wrong in our past life.

The phayant given by Archan Tia for That Kham ritual.
That Kham 禅法需用到的布符。

经过了庙宇风波,目前已经平息了许多。现在,阿占爹还是每一天服务善信如冲华凉,纹身,That Kham等等。这个贴将会简短地解释关于 That Kham 禅法。据阿占爹所说,大部分有进行That Kham法门至少23次的善信都已经可以入定并且都可以看到自己的前世。

That Kham 禅法是一个比较快速的入定方式。开始时,师傅将会把一张布符交给善信然后念一段经文。过后,善心们要以比较沉重的方式来呼吸,手握布符,及心中持一段经文。此时,善信们会面对3个状况。
  1. 如果善信很专心地控制呼吸,他们很快就能入定。
  2. 如果善信在前端很专心地控制呼吸,到中间时却有一点分心,他们将会进入熟睡状态。
  3. 如果善信在前端很专心地控制呼吸,到中间时却有一点分心,他们也会可能进入起战状态。

That Kham ritual
That Kham 禅法在进行中

That Kham

Happy New Year to all devotees. We wish all of you a prosperity, healthy and wealthy life in year 2013. This year, Archan Tia would like to introduce “That Kham” service to fellow devotees. What is “That Kham”? In the earlier stage of Archan Tia’s monkhood, he had travelled around Thailand to learn Dharma, way of meditation and wicha from forest monk and master. Fortunately, Archan Tia had learned a wicha, called “That Kham”. It is also considered as a way of meditation, and this way of meditation needs the support of master and it will allow devotees to see through his own pre-existence. We might not know what we done in our pre-existence, maybe we killed, hurt someone or an animal. Through this meditation, we can have our own repentance and return the merits to them. From this process, we will reduce our pre-existence’s karma to obstruct our life in this era such as wealth, relationship, health, career etc.

According to Archan Tia, trance will have 50% of success rate while “That Kham” will have 100% of success rate but this is based on the mindfulness of devotees while following master’s instruction. There are few steps to follow, first of all, devotees need to be present at the temple, Archan Tia will teach some katha for the meditation, after that, devotees will be meditating at a specific place. Archan Tia will also invite his master Luong Phor Kong also known as Luong Phor Thep for assistance. Devotees must say out what you see inside your mind while meditation and repent to them. Last but not least, Archan Tia will help on the chanting of returning the merits to them and bless for full protection to the devotees. Majority of devotees will take around 20 minutes to 40 minutes to finish the “That Kham”.

“That Kham” cannot be done alone, it must be accompanied by the master. This service will be provided everyday but each time there must be at least 5 people and above as it needs a lot of energy and mindfulness from the master. The most important is this service will be provided free of charge and all based on donation.

Archan Tia once said that “That Kham” is a little bit similar to flora bath and covering the white clothes, but for best effect it will be “Thak Kham”. This is because flora bath and covering of white cloth use the wicha to block and protect the devotees, the power will be reduce month by month and process needs to be repeated. As for “That Kham”, it won’t have this problem, it is using the power of metta, repent, and return of merits to change ones fortune and reduce our pre-existence’s karma that obstruct our life in this era.

新的一年,先祝各位善信新年新希望。话说回来,阿占爹在年轻时曾经到各处学习禅术,佛法及法术,默默地也掌握了一个叫 That Kham”的法术。这个法门就跟坐禅一样,此禅法是让人们通过自己前世的业障和师傅的法力一起进行,目的是让善信本身静下心来,看通前世曾经得罪,伤害或杀害什么人或生物并进行忏悔和回向功德。“That Kham”禅法能让前世的业障不要阻碍今世的自己如事业,爱情,财富,健康等等。

据阿占爹所说,起战可能只有50%的成功率,但 That Kham”禅法是有100%的成功率,只是要看善信本身的心和是否有跟着师傅的指示。其实步骤不会很复杂,善心本身要亲临庙里,阿占爹会教导坐禅时的心咒,过后善信们就坐在指定的位子坐禅。另一方,阿占爹会请 Luong Phor Kong 或称 Luong Phor Thep 祖师到来帮忙进行此禅法。善信们本身在坐禅期间看到什么,就一一禀报给师傅知道并默默地忏悔,过后阿占爹会帮善信们念回向功德经,及祈求一切顺顺利利。根据大多数善信们的纪录,整个坐禅程序大概要花 20分钟至40分钟。


阿占爹曾说过这个法术其实跟冲花凉和盖白布转运是有类似一样的效果,但是如果要最好的效果,师傅会推荐 That Kham”禅法。这是因为冲花凉和盖白布转运是以法术帮忙护体,时间一久,法力会慢慢的消失,过后又要重复冲花凉和盖白布转运这个步骤。但是“That Kham”禅法就不会,它用的是慈悲心,忏悔和回向功德,让前世的业障不会再阻挡今世的您。

12 zodiac yant Krok Pet phayant (12生肖钻石经文符布)

In coming Chinese New Year 2013, Archan Tia will release the 12 zodiac yant Krok Pet phayant as dharma gift to all visitors. Devotees can get trance by holding this phayant when Archan Tia invites the devas. This phayant will enable devotee to trance any devas or animal which they think inside their heart such as haluman, tiger, phra phrom etc. For those devotees who do not want to get trance, you can put this phayant inside your wallet or house for protection, wealth and act as luck booster.
The requirement for trance is: At least 20 peoples in a group and start at 2pm (10th February 2013 to 19th February 2013 only).
*As long as the group is big enough, Archan Tia will invite the devas at anytime. 

More info:
Name: 12 zodiac yant Krok Pet phayant
Number made: -
Function: Overall protection, wealth, luck booster.
Descriptive: This is the phayant will given out as dharma gift to visitors during Chinese New Year 2013.
Spiritual incident: This phayant will enable devotee to trance any devas or animal which they think inside their heart.
Current status: Available on 10th February 2013 (1st day if Chinese New Year)
Donation: Thamboon/ Donation
Purposes: All funds will be focus on the Meditation Hall of Wat Sungai Siput. This also allowed devotees which did not have any sakyant to have a chance to trance.

然而,基本的需求是:法会将会在2点开始(2013210日至 2013219日而已)和至少要20人一组。


Amazing incident (圣迹)

The power of 2nd batch Nang Kwak amulet and tiger skin waist takrut is absolutely amazing! According to Archan Tia and feedback from devotees, there are few extraordinary incidents happen to themselves and they have called Archan Tia personally to thank him for the protection and improved on the financial crisis after the amulet released on Kathina Day (3/11/2012).

First of all is the charm of 2nd batch Nang Kwak. There is one devotee who is having financial crisis on his own business. He makes a wish on 2nd batch Nang Kwak to give him a little help on his business. At the night, he was shock because he had won on his lucky number. (Temple did not recommend in gambling, every incident is orally shared by devotees). The amount of money is not really big but it can cover the losses on his business. So he feel very grateful to own a piece of Nang Kwak which made by Archan Tia.

Secondly is there are a bus of devotees which is from Ipoh came to visit Wat Sungai Siput on 29th November 2012. One of the supportive devotees come and make donation for 3 pieces of tiger skin waist takrut. Recently this devotee called to Archan Tia to thanks him for the protection due to he get robbed few days ago and the robber chop him with parang. Fortunately the parang can’t penetrate to the skin of devotee. It just appears some red line and some bruises.

2nd batch of Nang Kwak and tiger fur takrut had created a legend to Wat Sungai Siput again. This fully shows that the hard work from Archan Tia and his disciple on the making of amulet. Chanted with the ancient script inheritage from LP Thop and LP Derm, this batch of amulet is efficient to call money be it lucky money or decent money, also it brings good protection include Kong Krap Phan and Klaew Klad. It is a truly must-have amulet suitable for all level of people, grab one today and take the ride of fortune boost up, you too can make an improvement! Archan Tia created 1900 pcs of 2nd batch Nang Kwak &100 pcs of Tiger Skin Waist Takrut for the “Kathina” on 3/11/2012, they are still plenty in number, if you are keen to rent it please visit Wat Sungai Siput.




第二帮招财女神和老虎皮腰符管再次创造了奇迹。这表示阿占爹师傅及众徒弟真的为了这一批的圣物而注入了无比的心细。不管是正财,偏财或挡险,这一批注入了传自于他的师傅銮波陀(Luang Phor Thop)以及他师傅好友銮波德 Luang Phor Derm)的古法经文,灵力上绝对是毫无疑问的。阿占爹师傅这一次一共制造了1900面第二帮招财女神以及100枚的老虎皮腰符管好让所有的人都可以有机会拥有它,要恭请的话请亲自拜访阿占爹哦。