Thursday, July 10, 2014

Palakit (巴拉吉)

Palakit is an auspicious talisman often mistaken for an obscene object.  In fact it has been widely used by the Thai People for protection, enhancement of business, harmonious relationships, and most importantly, for warding off evil spirits or ghost.  Sometimes it is also referred to Palad.

Arjan Tia’s palakit is somehow special yet powerful, it is made by the parasite that live on the jackfruit tree (pokok buah nangka). When asking why such material is in use to made Palakit, Arjan Tia said in the fengshui of Thailand, people usually plant the jackfruit tree at the back yard of their house or company symbolized for prosperity not because of the jackfruit tree but the parasite plant itself that resided on the jackfruit tree, he said these parasites survive by delaying on the nutrition of jackfruit tree and can live under critical environmental. If ones business or relationship is about to come to an end, palakit that made by the parasite of jackfruit will have the power to bring back everything in normal order. Arjan Tia’s palakit is carved by hands follow by draw out the ancient script on the body of palakit then polished it with water proof lak to protect the wood and the yant. They will then be chanted for many days before letting out for people to rent.

陽 神或巨灵神(Palakit) 巴拉吉: 造型為男性陽具,源自於印度教及原始宗教之性力崇拜,乃是源自婆罗门教,是一个天神的化身。它代表着生生不息,起死回生,至阳至刚。日本,印度等国家也有 供奉此神。巴拉吉大多以木頭或金屬製造,部分師父會以不同造型呈現,再由大師刻上經文符印。巴拉吉本身代表光明、正面、積極、美好。 以招財為主,刻上了的經文能招財運及招攬客源。在泰國供奉擺放巴拉吉是常見之事,有的人會把它掛大門上,有的人則供奉桌上,可以增加陽氣,另有一種用法拿 它來敲一敲想賣出之產品,據說說 可加速物品的成交量。

阿占爹师傅的巴拉吉其用材极为特别,是用寄生在一种称为波羅 蜜热带水果树上的寄生植物而造。阿占爹师傅师傅说在泰国,很多人为了要造风水,往往都会在居家或公司的后方栽种波羅蜜果树,其用意不是在波羅蜜果树本身, 而是寄生在其身的寄生植物,因为这些寄生植物依靠在主树上吸取营养赖以为生,而且能够在条件极差的情况下生存,代表了绝处逢生,起死回生的意思。阿占爹师 傅的巴拉吉皆亲手雕刻然后画上古经文然再上多层腊为保护作用,坐禅念经多日方才让善信恭请。对于那些生意或感情将面临崩溃的人,阿占爹师傅的巴拉吉将会慢 慢的帮助你起死回生,让你尝到久旱逢甘雨的滋味。如果情况好转了之后也别忘了要多布施行善集公德方能创造更加美好的未来。


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