The picture above show Archan Tia drawing the yant using the lime powder, each yant will have to draw 108 times and the collected powder will be use to made the amulet. According to Archan Tia, this ancient amulet making method was taught by his master LP Thop, he said last time when his master want to create the amulet, he will tell his people “give me that big pen!”, the big pen means the white and long shape material build by lime that Archan Tia use to draw the yant on the board. His master LP Thop also told Archan Tia that, to create the Khun Pean you must collect the special soil like mentioned above from 7 locations, but Archan Tia said it is very difficult to find 7 location for such soil so only 1 location’s will be used. Also the Khun Pean amulet must be chanted for 17 days, each katha chanted 108 times per day before release to public. Archan Tia will use the Khun Pean katha that pass by his master LP Thop to him.
The Khun Pean mold still in making so currently there is no official mold for the Khun Pean yet, but to satisfy your curiosity I can show you the initial look of Khun Pean from the picture below. For this batch of Khun Pean we hope to get the mold designed and then send it to factory to produce the mold, but the cost is too high, about RM2000 for single face of amulet so right now it seems that Archan Tia will have to use his own mold to create the Khun Pean. Like all other else the amulet created by Archan Tia, the power of amulet is 100% guaranteed, so there is no doubt for this batch of Khun Pean. For those who not yet know the ability of Khun Pean, here is the list of functional that you can expect from Archan Tia’s Khun Pean:
- Proof against any type of deadly weapons.
- Ability to attract the opposite sex naturally.
- Get to be liked, trusted, respected and admired by everyone.
- Get to develop indestructible confidence and courage.
- Easier to ask for favor and help.
- Gain the “upper hand” in business or career.
- Successful in everything that your do.
- Great luck and great charm.
- Victories in all aspects of life.
Video: Click Here
人 缘至尊“坤平将军”将会是空怀泰佛寺阿占爹即将发布的最新佛牌。这一次只有500尊限量版的坤平佛牌预期将会在年尾,最迟明年3月上柜供善信恭请。为了要 制造这一批限量版的珍贵坤平佛牌,阿占爹在用料方面下了很多心细,除了照着他的师父 LP Thop 所传授下来的传统用料以外,另外也加了许多“现代”很夯的东西,比如说能量火山石粉之类的东西。这一批坤平佛牌的用料有:108八种珍贵草药、用来写经文 的石灰粉、米、香精、LP Thop顺德佛牌的粉(取自破碎了的LP Thop自己制造的2517顺德佛牌)等还加入了特别的土壤,这些土壤是取自森林里面的一个特别地区,是群众动物比如大象,老虎,山猪等最喜欢集聚用餐的 地方。阿占爹说此古老原料采用的方式传自他的师父,必须要采取来自7个地方类似这样土壤的来制造坤平方为最佳,但阿占爹说要找7个拥有这些条件的土壤实在 非为易事,因此只用了一个地方的土壤就够了,加上18天不断的坐禅开光念经,每天都会把他师父留给他的坤平经文念上108遍,让这一批饱受经文加持,用料 的特别,限量版“坤平将军”的功能发挥到最极点!
照片中可以看到的是阿占爹正在用石灰柱在板上写经文。他正在写的是 “坤平将军”的经文,每一种经都要写足108遍,每写完一遍就把它刮下来,然后再继续的写,把那些刮下来的石灰粉积聚了之后再加入佛牌里面。这并非简单的 功夫,少了一点毅力以及信念都不能。阿占爹说他喜欢跟随老师父的脚步来制造佛牌,他说在他小的时候,每每遇到师父要开始制造佛牌时就会听到他对人家说“把 那只大大的笔给拿来!”那大大的笔就是指现在阿占爹手上握着用来写经文收集白灰粉的那只石灰柱了。可以想象到如果要用来制造500面佛牌的白灰粉量是多么 的大,看他每次写完刮下来的只有那么一点,风一来也都吹光了,要筹足可以用来制造500面佛牌的白灰粉,那是需要多么长的时间啊!而且这功夫不能让他的徒 弟和尚代劳的,因为要边写边念特殊的经文,他的徒弟还不会,所以就必须亲力亲为。
- 避险,保平安
- 增加无法抗拒的异性缘
- 增加自己的魅力以及受人尊重
- 增加勇气与自信
- 增强人缘
- 做生意的可以得到第一手的买卖
- 做每件事都可以很容易的成功 (坤平将军的别称是常胜将军)
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