Thursday, July 10, 2014

Why the Boy was Buddhist (为什么那男孩成为佛教徒)

[Original from:]


Really Deep Truths can sometimes be told by a Wise Junior:

A pious Sri Lankan Boy once stated it stout, steady & straight:

I am a Buddhist, not merely because my parents are Buddhists, but out of assured conviction! After coming to an understanding of the truth of the Noble Triple Gem, I decided to be a Buddhist...Whenever here a religious, private, social or national event starts, the blessings of the Triple Gem are invoked. But what does taking refuge in the Triple Gem really mean? We must really understand this! Taking refuge in the Buddha means seeking and understanding Nibbana (Nirvana). Man's freedom, or the road, which leads to Nibbana, is closed from time to time. The Noble Person, who finds this closed road and reveals it to the world is always the Buddha! The Dhamma, which we take refuge in, is the path to Nibbana, preached by the Buddha. There are many eminent persons, who went along that path and understood Nibbana. They also teach us to go along this correct path. Those eminent persons are called the Maha Sangha. However, the Buddha is not an automatic rescuer. We cannot get the freedom we are seeking by just praying to the Buddha. Most Buddhists offer flowers to the Buddha statues. They hold religious festivals. But Buddhists do not do those things to satisfy the Buddha. They do it as a way to Nibbana for all living beings. Many offer flowers and go to temples to prove that they are practicing Buddhists. But if we observe the precepts & the religious teachings and gain a good understanding of the Dhamma, it will help us to become good Buddhists and win a pleasurable and happy future. However, we can seek & gain the truth of the Dhamma, only if we live  according with it. Seeking the Dhamma is seeking the Buddha. So, I observe Buddhism by taking refuge in the Noble Triple Gem…

Dulani Dananga Kiriella, Rajasinghe Central College School, Grade 10, Ruwanwella, Sri Lanka.



我 是一位佛教,这并非全然是因为我的父母都是佛教徒,但却是因为我自己确定的信念!当我真正的了解到三宝的真理后,我决定了要成为一位真正的佛教徒。在这里 (斯里兰卡),每逢遇到宗教仪式,不管是个人的,地方上的还是国家性质的,都会向三宝祈福以及歌颂,但皈依三宝的真正意思又是什么呢?我们必须真正的去了 解其中的道理!其实,这就是追求佛理以及得到解脱。人类的真正自由,或通往天堂的道路无时无刻都被封锁着,而佛陀就是开通这条通往天堂道路的圣者,还把它 传给了全人类。佛陀说道,我们所皈依的佛法,就是通往涅槃的道路。有很多杰出的圣者,他们已经走过这条路,并且得到了涅槃,他们也因此教导了我们要如何的 走这条路,这些圣者就是大众僧。然而,佛陀只救自救者,如果只是单纯的对佛陀进行膜拜,我们是不会找到我们所要的永恒自由的。很多佛教徒对佛像献花,参加 了各种各样的宗教仪式,希望通过这些来证明自己是个实践的佛教徒,但如果我们真正的去了解戒律,佛陀的教诲以及深入的去了解佛法的话,这才会使我们成为一 位真正的佛教徒,我们才会得到永恒的快乐。如果要追求佛法,最好的方法就是把佛理实践在每一天的生活当中,修行是在每天的生活当中。追求佛理就是追求佛 陀。这,就是我所遵守的佛教以及皈依的至圣三宝。

这是一封来自 的电邮,我把它翻译后跟大家分享。这位来自斯里兰卡的中学生可以领悟到这些实在是不简单,由此可见南传佛教在这些国家是那么的根深蒂固在每一个人的心中, 包括了这男孩。在这资本主义的社会上,现代人追求物质比什么都还重要,虽然说心灵上的残缺比不上现实中的残酷,但宇宙的真理还是主宰着地球的运行,佛理就 是真理。我的朋友们,不要为了忙而盲,也不要为了表面上的盲而忙,当生命走到了尽头,迎接而来的才是永恒。然而,在现今的社会上,物质已经远远的超过了一 切,歪理被尊崇的地位还高过了真理,这意味着什么?你我心里都有答案。当然,也并不是叫你放下一切努力的去修行,以你我现在拥有的智慧,西方国家的进步跟 佛教起源地的印度,哪一个比较具有吸引力?因此,我觉得新兴佛教应该是综合性的,即不一味的追求四大皆空,也不忘了把佛陀的教诲真正的实践在每一天当中, 这也符合了佛陀所说的,要有伸展性,不可盲目向前。佛法,法门,法术,玄学,形形色色,互相牵连,万法归宗,不必去在乎你所在的是那一块,也不要问别人怎 样,“做好本分”,看似容易读也顺口,要明白也不困难,但其中真正的道理却不是每个人可以完全的领会到,包括我在内。最后我应阿占爹师傅所说的来跟大家分 享:“我并不能飞给大家看,也不能像我的师父一样走在水面上给人家看,那我又要如何的介绍佛法给大家认识呢?我唯有通过经文,持咒的力量来帮助大家,让大 家的困难可以解决,让那些被生活所逼的透不过气的人可以舒缓一下,这,就是最好的介绍书,也只最好的基础班了。”

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