Thursday, July 10, 2014

Sivali Launched at Phapa 2011 (功德法会发布西哇利佛牌)

AC Tia inviting devas
It was a sunny and cheerful day today at Wat Sungai Siput where the Phapa event successfully completed. The event kicked off with mass chanting of Sivali by a group of monk including Archan Tia himself at Vihara, the small temple where statue of Buddha, LP Thuad and LP Khoon sit, this is the place where the chanting of amulet usually held. Before the chanting started, lot of white spots captured on the photo (see photo below) The Sivali amulet is now available, those who are interest may go to rent it at temple after today.
Lot of white spot captured at vihara (click to enlarge)
Mass chanting
Total funds collected today is RM27932, Archan Tia said he is grateful and thanks everyone who contributed towards the development of Ubosot, like always, he promised that every penny will goes to the development of temple. Archan Tia also announced today that the date of Ubosot launching will be March next year, details of launching ceremony will be published soon. Because of each and everyone of you, Ubosot takes only 3 years ++ to be completed, it is rare to see a temple that located in such a remote area raised so much fund in such a short time, this wouldn't happen if not the absolute fate of Buddha, Devas, Archan Tia with all of us. However, it is still short of fund for the development of Kutti (monk hostel), Kutti suppose to be done in pair with the completion of Ubosot, those who are kind hearted please reach your helping hands.

AC Tia consecrating Sivali
So this is it for the Phapa of this year, thanks everyone for your contribution and participation, see you again next year. Enjoy the event photo and video captured today. May devas and triple gems bless you and your family, sadhu.

2011 年祖先功德法会圆满结束,在这里感谢大家的热心参与。在这一次的法会中总共筹得了RM27932,阿占爹师傅说他感谢大家的鼎力支持,和往常一样,所筹得 到的款项将做为讲经堂的建设基金。阿占爹在今天的法会上向大家宣布,明年的3月将会举办一连4天3夜的讲经堂的开幕庆典,至于节目流程有待公布,敬请留 意。空怀泰佛寺的讲经堂于2009年动工,在短短的3年内即将完成,对于一间坐落在如此偏僻的庙宇来说,工程进展为神速,多亏了大家的鼎力支持,无可否认 这也是众神,菩薩和阿占爹跟大家的缘份。至今为此,和尚宿舍尚缺资金,讲经堂与和尚宿舍本该一起完成,这样出家的和尚才有住宿地方,如有哪个善翁人士愿意 伸出援助之手的可以联络庙方。

今天的法会进行得很顺利,和尚团于早上8点多开始为西哇利佛牌进行最后一次的诵大经仪式,诵经仪式完毕后,阿占爹 师傅就洒花瓣在圣物上,然后才让大家恭请。今天共有2台相机进行拍摄工作,其中一台数码相机还拍到了当场出现极为繁密的白点(曼陀罗),看来当时的现场的 确灵气逼人。这一批为数5000枚的西哇利造型精美,结缘价才30块,经由阿占爹师傅长达1个月的坐禅诵经开光,法力高超,绝对不容错过。那些欲结缘的从 今日开始可以到庙里恭请了。


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