Thursday, July 10, 2014

Wai Kru (拜师法会)

[Original & translated from: 拜師儀式&露璽灌頂加持]
Honor the master event is an important mid-year spiritual event for temples in Thailand. Through out this event devotees seek blessing from devas above to have a smooth year ahead. Honor the master aka “Wai Kru” first start during the emperor time of Thai King the fourth, or 2397 in Buddhist Calendar, its been about 157 years already in history. In Thailand they usually conduct the event on Thursday in leap month on Thai Calendar. Thursday was chosen because in Thailand this is the day where most of the important rituals will be conducted.

In Wai Kru, devotees show respect and grateful to their master, who is also the mentor of their life, and also will thank to the devas and master in heaven above. In Wai Kru, many foods & fruits has to be prepared and offer to devas, such as pig head, chicken, duck, fish & prawn and etc, as for fruits, they must include sugar cane, coconut, banana and 7 other type of other fruits. Besides of this, offerings such as liquor, cigarette, betel nut and tea also must be ready. A special triangle shape of item that called as “Pie She” is important as the “communication device” with devas above, it is made by banana leaf with a boiled egg placed on top of it.

When event start, master will chant to invite his master from heaven and all other devas to accept the offerings. This is also the day that a particular master show appreciation and grateful to all the master and devas from above that helped him through out the pass entire year. Devotees also take this opportunity to ask for blessing and charge the spirit power.

In Wai Kru, devotees take turn to accept the blessing of “Lersi Mask”. This lersi name is “Phor Ket”, he got 2 big front tooth and he is the grandmaster of lersi. This is how the process goes: Devotees will go to confront master and hand over a plate with offering on it such as handkerchief, flowers, jossstick, candle and money donation. Devotees use both hands to pass the plate to master and master will put the lersi mask onto devotee’s head.

When master started to chant, some devotees will get in trance if they have guardian angel such as spiritual tattoo with them. Spirit will use devotee as the medium (by possessed their body) to show appreciation for the merit received through master’s chanting power.

There are 3 types of Lersi Mask:
  1. “Phor Ket” Lersi Mask. Strong in metta (enhance relationship). Usually there will be artists or famous peoples attend the Wai Kru event, because “Phor Ket” Lersi can help to make them look attractive and help them to make money in all ways.
  2. “Fire Eyes” Lersi Mask. This type of lersi mask is suitable for those who is in the level of cultivate, such as master, fortune reader, those who practice meditation or those who learn sacred science. “Fire Eyes” Lersi Mask will increase their ability and power.
  3. Elephant God Mask. Elephant god (Pikanet) represent wisdom. Those who blessed by Elephant God Mask will improve their wisdom, person such as designer, artist, student, sculptor are suitable to get bless by Elephant God Mask.
In Wai Kru, master always apply “Phor Ket” Lersi Mask to devotees, it is strongly believe that lersi mark will grant ones positive energy, auspicious and a smooth year ahead. Lersi Mask also will help those in cultivate to progress in giant leap. It is depends on the meditation power and the power of devas who called for help, different master will have different approach to bless its devotees in Wai Kru using Lersi Mask.

In Wat Sungai Siput, Archan Tia’s Wai Kru is set on 1st of May every year, during this day many of his devotees from all over the nation and even overseas will back to attend the event, it is a very important event of every year, if you are free make sure you join us and attend the event on that day.

Last Year archived: Article 1     Article 2     Wai Kru 2010 (Photo)     Video


[转载自: 拜師儀式&露璽灌頂加持]

拜 师除了表达对于人间教导师的尊重外,也必须祭祀天上的教授师,因此,泰国举办拜师仪式当日,必定准备许多祭祀的供品,祭拜天神。牲礼如猪头、鸡、鸭、鱼 虾;水果包含甘蔗、椰子、香蕉及七项水果,另外,还须准备酒、菸、槟榔与茶等祭品。另外,仪式中不可或缺的就是「拜玺」。拜玺是以芭蕉叶制成,可制作成为 龙形、鹰形、法轮、莲花等造型。拜玺是以芭蕉叶摺成三角形,透过许多三角形的累积成为一种尖塔,尖塔上端须置放一粒熟鸡蛋,以此做为人间与天界的往来沟通 工具。 


法 会仪式开始,弟子们必须轮流接受拜师仪式。首先,师父会持露玺的法帽;此露玺名为波克(Phor Ket),为露玺的祖师爷(只有两颗门牙的老露玺头像)。弟子将拜师盆交与师父,盆内置有:一条手帕、花朵、香枝、蜡烛与供养金。弟子双手捧拜师盆,师父 接过拜师盆后会念诵接收供养的经文,接着师父会将露玺的法帽盖在弟子的头上,并念诵一段加持经咒。有一些弟子身上附有守护灵,当拜师仪式中,法师念诵加持 经文时,附在弟子身上的守护灵就会手舞足蹈表达感谢接收到加持的福份。


  1. 露玺波克(露玺涡)法帽。具有强大人缘的功能,通常拜师法会现场会有许多电影明星、艺人接受加持,因为波克法帽可以增加他们吸引人的魅力、财运。
  2. 火眼露玺法帽。凡使用火眼露玺法帽者多为有修行的徒弟,如法师、降头师、驱魔士、玄学士与算命师等,一般民众则接受此加持以为避邪护身,因为火眼露玺具有神通与驱邪的功能。
  3. 象神法帽。象神为智慧及神通的神祇,凡以象神法帽加持的人士,都会得到无上的智慧力。适合从事艺术设计之绘画家、雕刻家与设计师等,或者学生读书、考试也适合接受此加持。凡是经过象神法帽加持的信众,必能或多或少领受到上天的护佑与加持。
 在 拜师法会中举行的露玺灌顶加持都是使用露玺波克(露玺涡),除了星期四时间的限制外,还有祭拜天神、供养拜玺等程序,这些都是平常龙波长老直接用露玺头加 持信徒不同,它代表的是天界、灵界的传承加持,承认徒弟为此一法脉所庇护者,一般信徒会获得特别顺利、吉祥的正面能量加持,有灵修习惯的人则容易在禅定或 灵通方面有快速的进步。而一般的露玺灌顶加持,是依靠师父禅定与天神的加持力,由师父使用不同露玺或天神的法帽,念诵不同法门经文,来为信众加持祈福。


前年文章:文章1     文章2     2010 年拜师法会相册     视频

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