It was a tremendous fantastic days of Wat Sungai Siput where the event of “Yok Chor Fa” was successfully completed. Day 1 started slow in the day time but when the night falls over the temple, things started to get hot when Molumsing warmed up the stage with their fabulous performance and about 11:30PM when superstar Sek-Loso from Bangkok arrived at Wat Sungai Siput, crowds just went crazy seeing their idol perform on the stage, the scene was magnificent & unbelievable, crowded with about 4000 audiences, word is too cold to describe it, you got to be there to feel the burning of every inches of your body!
Day 2 was meaningful, I’m thrilled to see how the “Chor Fa” is actually hanging to the top of Ubosot and I witness it today with the rest of the devotees who came from different places to Wat Sungai Siput. The event started around 10:30AM with chanting ceremony by a group of 10 monks invited from other respective temples, the group was leaded by Chao Khun Choy of Wat Titi Akar and the ceremony was sit by Malaysia chief monk Ven. Phra Nikrothammathada, Chao Khun Nam of Wat Thepbandit. The chanting ceremony was good, the atmosphere there was special, when those monks started to chant one by one, you can actually feel some energy surrounding you, I try to keep my eyes opened because I felt that if I close my eyes and get focus, my emotion will turn high and I cant help from my tears of happiness, I have no ideals why like that. During the chatting session there was one devotee get in trance, but he just sit there and no big move.
The ceremony stops for lunch at 12PM and continue at 1PM. At exactly 1:09PM devotees start to pull the robe from about 100 meter distance of Ubosot to lift that “Chor Fa” to the top of Ubosot with the help of movable pulley mechanism. It is something new to me and I bet most of the devotees there also first time to see how the “Chor Fa” was “Yok” to top of Ubosot, it was magnificent and extraordinary, its like a simple version of “ancient time Egypt pyramid building” mechanism, the moment is touching, its not going to happen if it without the help of every devotees either those who in the spot to pull and also those who donated to help the Ubosot funds raising, thank you to all of you, this is the day that you all should be proud of! The ubosot is not yet finished, hopefully with the continuously support of yours, the Ubosot can be completely done by next year. There are few major part of Ubosot still need donation (as shown in the picture), please contact Archan Tia if you are keen to donate it, your name will be display as the honor sponsor. Thank you once again, may devas and triple gems bless you, your friends, family and loved one!
3 月11号以及12号一连2天在空怀泰佛寺举行的“讲经堂挂龙头仪式”已经完整谢幕,在这里先感谢来自四面八方的善信以及各界的鼎力支持。第一天即3月11 号其实并没有任何的法会,只是让大家来到庙里,让阿占爹替大家加持,也让大家可以进行捐助,这天也是这一次500尊限量版的坤平佛牌恭请日。为了参加这一 次的法会,很多来自外地的善信们不辞辛劳的驱车而来,他们的精神以及热忱让这一次的法会增添了不少的色彩,所谓有缘千里来相会,无论远近都好,能在一起参 加这一次的法会是众天神为大家所穿针引线的缘分,也是我们大家的福分。3月11号大白天的气氛还在慢慢的缓冲着,当夜色降临,到了晚上人潮逐渐增加,汽车 大排长龙,很多来自马来西亚各地的暹人都开始的涌进佛寺,大家都冲着泰国著名歌手 “Sek-Loso”而来。前半段的表演由来自 “Petchabun” 的乐团为大家缓场助兴,气氛还不怎样,但越夜越精彩,到了大概11点半当Sek-Loso一到达时,现场4000千多的观众有如脱缰野马似的开始疯狂了起 来,四处喝彩声不断,气氛更是到了沸点!巨星就是巨星,果然与众不同,虽然Sek-Loso比预期迟到了一点,但他落力的演出简直让4000千多颗心都飘 到了天堂去,摇滚巨星的魅力实在不是盖的!演唱会落幕于大概2点钟,人潮才慢慢的离去,深夜的空怀泰佛寺还蛮寒冷的,但离去的观众还因为之前的精彩表演, 热到汗流浃背。感谢天神以及大家的祈祷,演唱会当晚并没有下雨,这一次的筹建讲经堂演唱会是被祝福的。
从 前夜那声色俱全的高潮到了第二天即3月12号早上的这一天,空怀泰佛寺的气氛开始转为宁静的祥和,充满法喜的僧团诵经仪式开始为人们洗刷着前夜在娑婆世界 残留着的铅华,以慈祥为爱的经文来净化人心。这僧团由10位来自各别寺庙的主持组织而成,在大概10点半时就在讲经堂的前面开始了诵经仪式。空怀泰佛寺还 很荣幸的邀请到了来自Wat Thepbandit的昭坤南(Chao Khun Nam),也是马来西亚的僧王,来坐镇这次的法会,而来自 Wat Titi Akar 的昭坤彩 (Chao Khun Choy)则带领大家来诵经。当诵经一开始,周围的磁场就开始转变,隐隐约约中感觉好像有很多气体在你周边围绕,而我也尽力不把眼睛闭上,因为我发觉只要 我把眼睛闭上,专注的在听经文的时候,我的眼泪就会不由自主的涌了出来,很奇怪的感觉,真的是法喜充满啊!诵经到一半时就有一位善信被附身,只见他呼吸急 促,眼睛紧闭,坐在座位上双手合掌不定的摆动,但并没有太大的动作。通常只有在5月1号的法会上才会看到善信被神灵附身,这一次的祈福开光法会也有人被附 身,这还真是头一次看到。也许高僧们所诵出去的经文实在是太有力量了,而开光讲经堂的龙头这么神圣的法会感动了三界,才会有如此的异像发生。
诵 经仪式到了12点午餐时就暂停了一下,一点钟才开始继续。到了1点09分时,仪式的高潮开始了,在昭坤南以及阿占爹的带领下,众善信慢慢的开始的把龙头送 上讲经堂的屋顶上面去。这是我第一次看到如此特别的东西,原来把“讲经堂挂龙头”是这么一回事,非常神奇,也非常的新奇。只见一条长大约百多尺长的钢线绑 在讲经堂的上方,另一端则绑在距离讲经堂100尺的地面前方,形成一个距离地面45度的角度,众善信们就在距离讲经堂大约100尺的地方开始的拉绳索,合 力的用粗绳以滚轮方式的操作把那龙头送上去讲经堂的上方。不晓得为什么那东西叫龙头,也许它的形状有如一条龙,也或许当那东西在半空中时(看图)真的好像 是有一条龙飞在空中的感觉,这情景令人大开眼界。中午的天空不但没有烈日,天气还非常的温和,这一次的挂龙头法会在天神的庇佑下顺利的完成。
为 期2天的讲经堂挂龙头法会顺利的完成,感谢大家一路来对空怀泰佛寺的支持与厚爱,但讲经坛还没有真正的完成,如果一切都顺利的话要等到明年才可以真正谢 土,希望大家继续多多支持,讲经坛的很多地方(看图)还需要善信们的捐助与报效,如果你有兴趣报效的话请亲自联络阿占爹。一间讲经堂,也称为戒堂,是佛教 最神圣的建筑物,它代表一个拥有2千多年历史的宗教,代表了一间暹庙的主持人对佛教的付出与期待,代表了一个民族的文化与艺术,也代表了众善信对佛教的坚 持不懈。但无论佛教以什么样子的形式存在,或以什么样子的民族色彩来呈献在大家眼前,或有形,或无形,都无所谓,在乎的是那精神,以及你我都知道该怎么去 覆行的佛陀教诲,让凡夫俗子的我们,多付出一些,多收获一些,多看一些,多学一些,这并没有什么害处,重点是以你我各自的方式去让我们的人生不留白。祝大 家安康,欢喜每一天。
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