Thursday, July 10, 2014

Sivali News (西哇利报导)

Sivali is hot selling! This 08/31 Phapa released Sivali tag at only RM30 each, 5000 pcs has been released and funds collected goes to the development of Ubosot and Kutti (monk hostel). This batch of Sivali has been gone through series of hardcore meditation and consecration by Archan Tia for 1 month and followed by mass chanting at the Phapa event. During the mass chanting ceremony, some abnormal phenomena were happened, many claims that during the mass chanting ceremony, the smelled something like flower rushing out from Vihara, place where mass chanting held and also the camera captured lot of energy balls/white spot (check previous post) and some devotee who brought their own camera told Archan Tia they were captured some blur scene around Vihara during the chanting session. Archan Tia has no comments on these phenomena because it is their restriction to revert anything; personally I think it is because the attendance of high level devas blessing the Sivali amulets. All these years, all funds collected were used towards the development of temple, Archan Tia vowed not to spend any cent of it, such noble spirit built highly efficacious temple and amulets.

Bear in mind that the creation of Sivali as well as all the rest of the sacred items of Archan Tia is for one and only one purpose, which is to raise funds for the development of temple. When you rent any sacred item from temple, you helped the development of it, you are making merits and temple return your favor with blessed sacred items. Those who are keen to rent the Sivali may do it at temple or contact Mr. Ng (Eng) Kheng Lin - 012-5862408

空 怀泰佛寺在8月31号祖先功德法会上发布的西哇利消息接踵而来,首先是有善信的家人在众僧为西哇利佛牌进行诵大经仪式时,闻到一股很强烈的香味从师父庙 (Vihara,诵经仪式进行的地方)传出来,也有信徒在事后跟阿占爹说,在当天诵经仪式时他们在师父庙附近所拍出来的照片都很蒙,有一团白影,更有人拍 出布满白点气体的照片(参考之前的文章)。阿占爹师父对此现象始终三缄其口,因为法门的禁忌,他无法透露更多。个人认为那是在诵大经时,有神仙或高等灵闻 经而来,或来听经,或来加持等。无论是什么都好,阿占爹师傅所造出来的西哇利佛牌以及其它所有一切的圣物都是以建庙为出发点,多年来所筹得到的钱自己发誓 过分文不取,全部都投在建设用途上,此等高尚的精神,所建出来的庙以及圣物,都会灵验非凡。

西哇利已经正式发布,善信们可以亲自到庙里或联络理事会 Mr. Ng (Eng) Kheng Lin - 012-5862408 来结缘。

Kwong Wah Yit Poh Press National News (05/09/2011) 光华日报国内新闻

Kwong Wah Yit Poh Press Local News (31/08/2011) 光华日报地方分类

有 好几位从亚罗士打以及槟城来的善信们到庙里跟阿占爹说,戴了西哇利后觉得很好,当阿占爹问他们好在哪里时,他们都说不知道,说不上来,虽然没有中马票之类 的,但觉得戴了之后很多事情都很顺利,人缘很好,有了很多生意、就业机会。黄庆麟先生的一群朋友,也是阿占爹多年来的善信也向他表示说,戴了之后很多事情 都很顺利,感觉很好,但就很奇怪,说不上来是什么好。阿占爹解释说,西哇利是全方面的佛牌,虽然和招财女神都是招财,人缘,但他的效果和 “作风” 跟招财女神不一样。


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