Thursday, July 10, 2014

Sakyant Hours (刺经文时间)

Archan Tia offering sakyant from 8AM to 6PM everyday 7 days a week. After 6PM any spiritual ritual such as floral bath, inserting gold takrut, acupuncture therapy and including sakyant will not be done, this is because due to restriction. Archan Tia said there were many times devotees came after 6PM required for sakyant and etc but because of the restriction he really cant make it, he said he knows they came from far and he felt sorry about that, he urge those who needs his ritual services please try to make it early, any spiritual rituals should be stopped at 6PM, thank you for your understanding.

Archan Tia is the master of sakyant, many found his sakyant to be extremely powerful in helping them for many aspects of life. There are few to follow if you want to get a sakyant from Archan Tia. While doing sakyant a devotee must remain 100% conscious, use of alcohol or pill try to reduce the pain is strictly prohibited. The following is the restrictions after getting a sakyant from Archan Tia:

  1.  Don't fight / stare your parents and your master.
  2.  Don't kill or torture any life.
  3.  Don't steal anything.
  4.  Don't rape or have sex with anyone's wife, husband or children.
  5.  Don't lie.
  6.  Don't eat foods that prayed to ghost (except your own ancestors)
  7. Alcohol is allowed after sakyant but make sure you don’t do any mistakes after getting drunk.
If you really need to eat the food that offered to ghost, chant this mantra “Na Shong Mo Shong, Shong Duai Pha Phut Tho” 3 times before eating. Those who received sakyant from Archan Tia if possible must attend the yearly 1st of May honor the master event at Wat Sungai Siput.

由于法门的禁忌,阿占爹所提供的所有仪式包刮冲花凉盖白布起运,针灸,植入金铜符还有 刺经文等都必须在6点前结束。阿占爹说已经有很多次了善信在接近6点后才到达,由于刺经文比较拿时间,因此他就无法替他们进行,因为所有的仪式必须在6点 后就暂停了。阿占爹明白到有些善信来自远方,但基于法门的禁忌,他唯有这样做,他希望大家可以谅解。 空怀泰佛寺阿占爹跟善信结缘的时间是每天的8点到6点,1个星期7天没有休息日,他希望那些欲进行任何仪式的请早一点来。

阿 占爹是经文大师,很多善信在接受阿占爹的经文刺青后运势大起,尤其是那些穷途末路的,往往都得到了扭转乾坤的局势,这十年来不知造福了多少善信,其徒弟更 是遍布各地。如果你要接受经文刺青必须遵守一些禁忌;刺青前不可饮酒或吞丸,不可利用这些来麻醉痛楚,必须保持100%的清醒。刺青后必须遵守以下的禁 忌:

1.        不可辱骂或怒视父母 / 师父。
2.        不可轻易杀生或折磨生物。
3.        不可偷东西,不可说谎或欺骗。
4.        不可跟人家的老婆或女友发生性行为。
5.        不可吃拜过鬼的东西,比如7月半、丧事或拜后面公的食物。(自己祖先除外)
5.        刺青后可以饮酒,但不可酒后生事,做错事情或解酒行凶。

如果你真的无法避免必需吃拜过鬼的东西,吃前心里默念 “Na Shong Mo Shong, Shong Duai Pha Phut Tho” 3遍。那些接受阿占爹经文刺青的,如果可以的话每年的5月1号必须前来参于拜师法会。

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