Thursday, July 10, 2014

Waist Takrut Update (腰部铜管符)

Inherited with the skills of making miraculous power takrut from his master LP Thop, Archan Tia’s takrut has been proven to be useful in many occasions, and there is no doubt about that. And now, good news for those takrut lovers, if LP Thop takrut seems to be too expensive or hard for you to get one, then why not try the takrut made by his only inheritor, which is Archan Tia, the one that LP Thop passed his manuscript to. If you are looking for the takrut to enhance luck, safety protection (Kongkrapan), wealth fetching, metta and etc, look no further, Archan Tia ‘s takrut is made available for you at the very affordable price and with good deeds behind it too, that is to contribute to the development of Ubosot. Archan Tia now offer the following type waist takrut for those who are interest:

  • 109 Waist Takrut (RM500) – This takrut is ONLY available via ORDER because it takes time to made, therefore Archan Tia only will made based on demand. This is the improved version of previous 109 Waist Takrut with double layer on both side tight with blessing knot. Previous price was RM300 but now has been increased to RM500 due to its complexity and time consuming of making. This type of waist takrut will be consecrated 108 times for many days before letting out for devotees to rent.
  • Dual Color Waist Takrut (RM250) – This is newly invented dual color takrut with 2 small chopper takrut on both side of main takrut. Personally I like this waist takrut very much not because it looks unique but because it has the shadow of LP Thop’s famous 3 color takrut. Only 29 units made this time, those who want it please be hurry.

Both type of waist takruts works for enhancing luck, fetching wealth / business, improving metta (relationship with people), safety protection against danger / evil spirit and lift up your personal energy. Waist takrut is easy to take care of, just wear it on your waist and you can carry on your daily routine and you can observe and see how its actually work in the seamless way.

  • Archan Tia - 04-7522676, 013-4529368 (Simple hokkien & Thai only)
  • Ng (Eng) Kheng Lin - 012-5862408 

铜 管符或称Takrut 就好像华人的神符一样,历史悠久,功效显著。很多人都喜欢在身体不同的部位上佩戴铜管符,以达到避险/避邪,纳福/纳财,人缘和合等方面的辅助。空怀泰佛 寺的主持人阿占爹师傅一路来都以其亲自制造开光的铜管符闻名,尤其是在避险方面,很多善信可以跳出来告诉你说阿占爹的铜管符在最危急的时候救了他们一命, 这乃事实,非虚拟之造。阿占爹的师父 LP Thop 乃是泰国鼎鼎大名的铜管符大师,所做出来的铜管符到至今事隔几十年后人们还是在寻找,其圣迹更让人茶余饭后津津乐道。阿占爹传承了LP Thop 的手抄本经文,里面记载着数以百计的修行之道,也包刮了制造顶尖圣物的秘方,这当然也少不了制造铜管符的秘方。阿占爹21岁出家到至今已20多年有余,多 年来积极努力的苦修,已经是一位得道高僧,做出来的圣物广受众善信们的喜爱,尤其是铜管符,更加受到大家的青睐。


  • 109节腰部铜管符(RM500) – 这款铜管符很多善信穿了都传来佳音,在很多方面尤其是纳财/招生意等都有极佳的效果。但目前这款铜管符已经没有现货了,那些想要拥有的的必须以定购的方式 来结缘。之前此109节腰部铜管符的结缘金为 RM300,但现在阿占爹以加强版的款式推出,在两旁用手工以精致的吉祥结加于巩固,让整条铜管符看起来更加漂亮,穿起来也更加舒服。由于这款铜管符很难 做,很考手工,开光也需要多时(108遍的多天诵经),因此结缘金也稍高。希望善信们可以了解到师傅的苦心与筹建讲经堂的善愿为出发点。
  • 双色腰部铜管符(RM250)- 这是近期的新作品,主铜管符以双色绳捆上,两旁各围绕着两支金色的副铜管符。个人就非常喜欢这款双色铜管符,因为它极有圣僧 LP Thop 在多年前制造出来三色铜管符的味道。这款首期发布的双色腰部铜管符收藏价值很高,但只做29条而已,那些要结缘的请速。


  • 阿占爹 - 04-7522676,013-4529368(简单的福建话和泰语)
  • Ng (Eng) Kheng Lin - 012-5862408 

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