Thursday, July 10, 2014

Consecrating Khun Pean (坤平佛牌开光)

The 500 limited edition of Khun Pean has been created and being consecrating now by Archan Tia started last Tuesday 07/12/2010 and will be available on March 2011 at the "Yok Sofa Ubosot" event. The releasing of this version of Khun Pean is for the funds raising of Ubosot building. Pre-order is open now, please help support if you can. Thank you and may triple gems bless you and your family, sadhu, sadhu, sadhu!

空 怀泰佛寺阿占爹师傅所制造的500尊限量版坤平佛牌已经完成,上个星期二即07/12/2010是第一次的坐禅开光,阿占爹师傅将会继续为这一批坤平佛牌 坐禅开光直至明年的3月以在 “讲经堂龙头开光”的法会上让善信恭请。所有筹得将会做为讲经堂的建造基金,希望大家多多支持。善哉,善哉,善哉!

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