Thursday, July 10, 2014

LP Thop Sacred Item Update (銮波托普的圣物更新)

LP Thop Takrut BE2516: At that time, a policemen in Phetchabun province wore this batch of takrut together with another shorter version of LP Thop takrut as well, facing 9 armed and dangerous criminals, got shot by shotgun in close distance but unharmed, just red dots in body, he fought back and at last got those 9 criminals defeated. 100% created by LP Thop himself even the saisin (white robe) was tied by him. RM1500 just imported 1 piece, available in temple now.


LP Thop Looplor BE2505: Mother of Archan Tia wore this LP Thop Looplor, got hit by car, body flew away because of high impact, but survived without even a scratch. RM800 just imported 1 piece, available in temple now.


LP Thop BE2505: Another great amulet created by LP Thop on year BE2505, there are 10 pieces available, each at RM800, available in temple now.

銮波托普自身牌(佛历2505): 同样来自銮波托普本身亲自开光的佛牌,引进大概10面,每面庙价结缘金马币800。

Note: All the sacred items of LP Thop weather this round of the previous few rounds were originally imported from Thailand with slightly high price, temple only markup the original price with RM50 to RM100. The purpose of Archan Tia is to let the local devotees to have chance to own the items of his master LP Thop, but not for trading purpose of whatsoever. Interest local / international devotees call Mr. Ng (Eng) Kheng Lin - +6012-5862408 (Head of Committee) 8am-6pm or rent at temple.

注:所有銮波托普的圣物包刮这批或之前的前几批都从泰国引进,为了引进这些圣物,庙方已事先附上了结缘金给泰国的收藏者,庙方目前所设定的结缘金只是推高马币50至100以内而已。阿占爹的意思是想让大家都有机会拥有他师父的圣物,而非拿来做任何交易。有意结缘者联络黄庆麟先生 +6012-5862408 (理事会代表主席) 8am-6pm 或 到庙里结缘。

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