Thursday, July 10, 2014

Ubosot Launching - Day 3 (开幕讲经堂 - 第三天)

Ordination as temporarily monk: 15 person ordained as temporarily in day 3 of Ubosot launching ceremony. Before cutting hair they need to pay homage infront of their mom to show grateful and appreciation for caring and upbringing. In Theravada Buddhism we must show absolute respect to our mom.


Hair cutting ritual started by Archan Tia then followed by devotees. Lotus leaf were used to collect the hair and then bury under Bodhi Tree.

Family member or devotees take turns to be barber. Each person can have 3 cuts.
家人朋友或善信都可以轮流为他们 “剪三刀”。

Cried. According to his father, he cry because too happy, not because losing his hair!

Shaving eyebrows

Powder power!

Learn how to chant and restrictions.
孙悟空头上的“紧箍” :)

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They will wearing yellow robes tomorrow after bury of stone “Luk Nimit”. Pee Saderd concert tonight, bury “Luk Nimit” stone and birthday takrut tomorrow and Carabao will rock your world tomorrow night!

明天下埋黑石蛋后他们就会穿上袈裟。今晚有 Pee Saderd 的演唱会。明天下埋黑石蛋与生日铜符,而明晚的压轴戏则是著名的泰国歌团 Carabao!

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