Thursday, July 10, 2014

Wai Kru 2011 (2011年拜师法会)

Wat Sungai Siput’s yearly important ceremony Wai Kru is in the corner! During this day temple will be crowded by devotees that came from all over the nation some even from overseas, they all came here to receive blessing from Archan Tia. Some even came here early in the morning to avoid the long queue, they all loved to get blessed by Archan Tia’s lersi mask. It is also the day where temple will be so “spiritually” crowded because during this day the master of Archan Tia which is LP Thop and all other devas also will be presented in the temple.

This year is the 11th of Wai Kru, it started from just few local devotees to today’s number, it tells just how much those devotees loved Archan Tia and find his blessing to be so “Jalan”, if not the number of devotees attended at Wai Kru wouldn’t be increasing yearly. From the earlier’s attap house to today’s temple scale, Archan Tia has put a lot of efforts on it, especially the recent “Ubosot” building, Archan Tia has involved in the planning to designing and to implementation, it is hard to relate a monk like Archan Tia to construction work which required such a unique skills, but seeing is believing. Also the continuously support from the devotees gave what the temple has achieved today, your good deeds and acts of kindness wont go unnoticed.

"Phapa" Tree & Personalized Birthday Takrut
Archan Tia said he hope to see the Ubosot can be completed in the dateline which is March next year, and to achieve that lot of funds are required. For this coming Wai Kru, Archan Tia offer 108 pcs of “Phapa” tree for the sponsorship price of RM1000 each, if you are interest to sponsor one or more please contact Archan Tia or the committee number below, please provide your full name if you want to sponsor the “Phapa” tree. Beside of this, Archan Tia also in the making of “Birthday Takrut” to be bury under the seat of Buddha statue inside the Ubosot. This “Birthday Takrut” is the customized and personalized takrut that containing your personal info such as DOB and name written on a piece of chopper together with the yant drew by Archan Tia and rollup to the shape of takrut that we can see everyday, but this takrut is not to be taking home but will bury under the seat of Buddha statue inside the Ubosot. This is actually a very good opportunity to boost up ones luck because it is similar to chinese’s fengshui ritual, where the sifu will find a good fengshui place and bury devotee’s personal belonging such as hair, nail, DOB info and etc, it is believe that by doing so it will help to keep the bad luck away and slowly change the person luck by absorb the powerful and good energy from that particular fengshui place. The place where Ubosot situated is a very good fengshui place, behind is a series of mountains which represented good and powerful helping hands, it is absolutely perfect for such ritual, and this is only once in a life time opportunity. The “Birthday Takrut” is only RM99 each, required and necessary input are your full name (Chinese or English doesn’t matter) and DOB, if you are interest be hurry because it will close most likely end of this year when they move in the big Buddha statue.

Reminder for those who sponsor the “Phapa” tree, if possible try to attend on Wai Kru day, if you really cant make it on that day, it will be temple helper represent you to bring in your “Phapa” tree to chanting ceremony. Your kind contribution and good deeds are unfailing investments, thank you and may triple gems and LP Thop bless you all, sadhu, sadhu, sadhu!

Sponsorship Contact
  • "Phapa" Tree - RM1000/each (Closing date: 01/05. Required full name)
  • Birthday Takrut - RM99/each (Closing date: 31/12. Required full name & DOB)

  • Archan Tia - 04-7522676, 013-4529368
  • Ng (Eng) Kheng Lin - 012-5862408
  • Tan Hock Meng - 016-4157362 

空 怀泰佛寺的拜师法会(Wai Kru)正在接近中,每年的5月1号这一天寺庙里都会挤满了人潮,有些甚至一大早就报道,为的是要避免排长龙,抢先提前接受阿占爹的鲁士头加持,因为在这 灵气逼人的一天,无论是阿占爹的师傅(LP Thop),或来自天上,或者还在人间修行的神灵们都会在寺庙里接受善信们的供养,也会借此加持诚心前来祈福的善信们。

记 得我第一次参加的拜师法会是在2007年,当时早上9点多到达寺庙时就看见很多人在排长龙,由于那是我第一次参加类似的法会,没有什么经验,看见人家排队 就跟着排,到了我的时候,阿占爹就用一支沾了白灰的笔在我的额头上点了3点,然后把鲁士(Lersi)头盖在我的头上,再吹了一口气,就完成了我生平第一 次的拜师法会。事后就坐在一旁观看,才发现原来拜师法会就是那么一回事,看见每个被灌完顶的信徒们都满怀欢喜,精神奕奕,每个人的额头上都有着3个白点, 让我不禁联想到电影《铁血战士 Predator》那外星人的激光武器瞄到人类身上时的情景,怪有趣的。当全部的人都拜完师傅后,大家就坐着等阿占爹带领众和尚诵经,我也就跟着大家坐在 一起。当时的主坛(Lomtam)还没完全的宽展,还没有现在的大,很多人包刮我在内都得坐在外面的椅子上,有些甚至还坐在铺在地面上的水泥袋上,那情景 让我印象深刻,只觉得这里真的有着很浓的乡下味道以及非常“道地”的泰国宗教风味,让我增广了见闻与经历。诵经还没开始,我就四处观看,看见众人中,老少 年轻,社会上各个阶层的人都有,有的穿着斯文,有的随便,有的还像从巴刹里刚出来的一样,更有着许许多多的当地暹人,他们多数皮肤黝黑,拥有着古老纯朴的 脸孔,但无论怎么样子的人都好,诵经一开始,大家都开始的安静下来,双掌合一,呈现出了非常虔诚以及安详的样子。在师傅诵经的过程中,我看见那些有感应的 人,有些的身体会微微抖动,有些比较大动作的甚至会从地上一跃而起,摆出各种各样的姿态,真是另我大开眼界。当天参加完法会回到家已经是下午2-3点了, 虽然一早就起床还长途的驾驶,但却精神抖擞,老虎都可以打死几只的那种,到至今我已参加过3-4的拜师法会了,每次回来时都是那么的有精神,这就是非常神 奇难于解释的地方,我想众善信都会有这种感觉。

 今 年已是空怀泰佛寺第11次举行的拜师法会,信徒从最初的几个当地居民到今天的遍布全马各地,有些还特地从外国赶回来为的就是要参加一年一度的拜师法会,由 此可见阿占爹是那么的深受大家的喜爱,也证明了阿占爹的修行与法力的确“行得通”,阿占爹所制造出来的圣物更是品质的保证,其灵验度绝非一般,近年来所推 出的佛牌如招财女神,顺德以及坤平等都备受好评,受其惠的善信非常的多,不然的话每年的拜师法会人数怎么会有增无减。近年来阿占爹极力的发展空怀泰佛寺, 从当初的简陋亚答屋到现在稳健而上的规模,阿占爹一直以来都很认真的在打理,单从讲经堂上就可以看得出阿占爹是有多么的认真,讲经堂大部分的构造皆由阿占 爹亲自下手设计,很难想象一位得道的高僧会与建筑设计和水泥建造扯上关系,从策划到模拟到实行,全程都由阿占爹督促并亲自下手,除非亲眼看见,否则难于相 信,实在是对阿占爹的能力与精神感到五府投地。空怀泰佛寺可以在这么人烟虚少,偏僻的地方发展到今天的规模全是善信们的极力支持,大家的善行必有好报。

阿 占爹说为了要让讲经堂可以在明年3月预期的完成,在这即将来临的5月1号拜师法会中准备了108棵钱树,每棵钱树的报效金为RM1000,所筹得到的款项 将归入讲经堂的基金,好让讲经堂可以早日完成。钱树也称为 “Phapa”,在佛陀时期,有人看见释迦牟尼带领和尚在树下打坐,但遭受到风吹雨打,善心人士看见后就问释迦牟尼要不要盖个遮盖处给那些和尚,好让他们 可以专心打坐而不会遭到风吹雨打,释迦牟尼听后觉得这主意不错,因此就答应了那人。那人过后就去集合众人的力量,出钱出力的盖了几所遮盖处给那些和尚,这 只是“Phapa”由来的简史了。因此,“Phapa”是功德回向的法会中很主要的东西之一,其实除了每年的8月31号的 “祖先公德法会(俗称 “Phapa”)”,在每年5月1号的拜师法会中,在中午12点用餐过后也会举行一场 “Phapa”,也就是功德回向的法会。在今年的拜师法会中,阿占爹将会提供108颗钱树让善信们结缘了愿,有意要报效钱树的可以在下方了解详情。除此之 外,阿占爹也为那些有兴趣捐助的善信们制造 “生辰八字铜符”。此“生辰八字铜符”,也简称为生日铜符,是把善信们的生辰八字还有姓名写在一片铜版纸上,在加上阿占爹的亲手画上的吉祥符咒,然后再卷 成平常我们所看到的管圆形状。但此“生辰八字铜符”是不给善信们带回家的,而是埋在讲经堂内佛陀的莲花座里面的,这有点像是华人的“造生基”,可以达到改 运或增加个人的运势。有兴趣知道什么是“造生基”的可以在网上寻搜。我曾经问过阿占爹,讲经堂的位置风水是不是很好,他说道目前讲经堂的位置是庙里风水最 佳之地,后面环山而抱,代表贵人辅助。所以在这里下埋“生辰八字铜符”绝对可以达到极佳的感应,对摧官、功名、保命、增壽、求婚、求子、啓智、進祿、招財 等都极为有助,而此善举又是帮到讲经堂的建造,真是一举多得啊。此“生辰八字铜符”的结缘金为RM99而已。


  • 钱树 - RM1000/一棵(截止:01/05。请提供全名)
  • 生日铜符 - RM99/一个(截至:31/12。请提供全名与阳历生日)

  • 阿占爹 - 04-7522676,013-4529368
  • Ng (Eng) Kheng Lin - 012-5862408
  • Tan Hock Meng - 016-4157362

如果可以的话自己亲身前往空怀泰佛寺向阿占爹表明来意,或联络以上的理事代表。有报效钱树的如果可以的话请出席5 月1号的拜师法会,如果无法前来的也无所谓,你所报效的钱树将会有人在当天代你拿进法会接受诵经。希望大家多多布施行善了愿好让讲经堂可以预期完成,善 哉,善哉,善哉!

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