Thursday, July 10, 2014

Miracle of Accident (车祸奇迹)

Accident scene (车祸当场)
This is real story provided by the devotee of car accident. Mr. Kang, a business man, one day while he delivering goods with his van using the North-South highway, his van's tire suddenly punctured, over a tan of weight running at 70KM/s, the van lost control, collide to the ground and spin few rounds before stop. His van was seriously crashed. Many thoughts he would die, but he survived with just some scratch on his arm.

While asking what sacred items he wore at that time, he said too many to name, but all Archan Tia's items, including amulet, sakyant and etc. He been followed Archan Tia for many years ago, he said before he met Archan Tia, he was so poor cant even afford to pay for RM10 petrol, but now his luck was improved a lot and gain tremendous capability in finance. He said he wants to thanks Archan Tia for his life saving sacred items and blessing that he received all these years. Sadhu!

Crashed van on towed (拖走被撞毁的货车)
这是真实故事,由车祸当事者提供。江先生,生意人,在一次的送货过程中他的货车突然爆胎,由于当时所载的货物非常 沉重,大概一吨之多,车速又以70KM/s在奔驰,在突然爆胎的情况下货车顿时失控,在南北大道的高速公路上翻滚几圈才停下来。他的货车严重被毁,很多人 以为司机必死无疑了,但他逃过此劫,从鬼差的手中溜了出来,手部只受一点擦伤。

当 他向我提供此故事时,我就问他当时到底穿了什么法宝,他说太多了,全身上下都是阿占爹的圣物,还包刮了经文刺青,等等。他为此非常感谢阿占爹让他逃过一 劫,他也说到,在还没有认识阿占爹前他是个一无所有的人,当时穷到连10块钱的车油都付不出,之后认识了阿占爹,运势就慢慢的好转,多年后的今天他已成家 立业,生活也过得很不错了。 他想透过这件事向大家表达阿占爹师傅的法力无边,感谢师傅的慈悲,也希望加持大家的信仰。善哉!

Mr. Kang. Photo taken during Wai Kru 2011 (江先生。照片拍摄于2011年拜师法会上)

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