Thursday, July 10, 2014

Main Event is Coming! (讲经堂龙头开光法会)

This coming Friday (11/03) & Saturday (12/03) is the grand event of Wat Sungai Siput, you are cordially invited to Wat Sungai Siput to participate and witness the whole process of the ritual. The event featuring concert for 2 nights will be performing by famous band from Thailand. This 3 in 1 entertainment + religion ritual + charity is a history making moment and it is another great once in a life time experience that you dont wanna miss. Those 2 days also will be the releasing of 500 limited version of Khun Pean. So are you ready? ARE YOU READY? Come on join us! Let’s heating up the atmosphere!

Ubosot building progress photo: Click Here  
 空 怀泰佛寺即将来临的星期五(3月11号)以及星期六(3月12号)举行一连两天的盛事法会,欢迎来自各地的善信们前来参加这项可遇不可求的法会,既是讲经 坛开光龙头的法会。除了可以参与以及目睹整个过程,还可以让师傅加持以及恭请500尊限量版的坤平将军佛牌,到了晚上还可以观赏泰国著名歌手的演唱会会。 这一举多得,包含宗教意义,娱乐以及慈善于一身的项目或许一生人才可以碰到一次而已,有缘参与这项法会都是大家前世修来的福份,希望看到大家踊跃出席,以 行动来支持,以热心与真诚为我们的生命路上设立了另一个里程碑。善哉,善哉,善哉!


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