Thursday, July 10, 2014

Birthday Takrut (生日铜符)

As posted in the previous article, from now on till the end of this year (or before the launching date of Ubosot which is March next year), devotees has the chance to create their very own personalized birthday takrut from Archan Tia. This “Birthday Takrut” is the customized and personalized takrut that containing your personal info such as DOB and name written on a piece of chopper together with the yant drew by Archan Tia and rollup to the shape of takrut that we can see everyday, but this takrut is not to be taking home but will bury under the seat of Buddha statue inside the Ubosot. This is actually a very good opportunity to boost up ones luck because it is similar to chinese’s fengshui ritual, where the sifu will find a good fengshui place and bury devotee’s personal belonging such as hair, nail, DOB info and etc, it is believe that by doing so it will help to keep the bad luck away and slowly change the person luck by absorb the powerful and good energy from that particular fengshui place.

The place where Ubosot situated is a very good fengshui place, behind is a series of mountains which represented good and powerful helping hands, it is absolutely perfect for such ritual, and this is only once in a life time opportunity. The “Birthday Takrut” is only RM99 each, required and necessary input are your full name (Chinese or English doesn’t matter) and DOB, if you are interest be hurry because it will close most likely end of this year when they move in the big Buddha statue.

Video showing Archan Tia drawing yant on birthday takrut. Completed takrut will roll up in a silinder shape and cover with transparent soft plastic. It will be chanted before bury under the seat of Buddha in Ubosot.

之 前提到,从现在起至年尾,或明年3月讲经堂正式开光前,阿占爹让善信结缘于特制的生日铜符。“生辰八字铜符”。此“生辰八字铜符”,也简称为生日铜符,是 把善信们的生辰八字还有姓名写在一片铜版纸上,在加上阿占爹的亲手画上的吉祥符咒,然后再卷成平常我们所看到的管圆形状。但此“生辰八字铜符”是不给善信 们带回家的,而是埋在讲经堂内佛陀的莲花座里面的,这有点像是华人的“造生基”,可以达到改运或增加个人的运势。有兴趣知道什么是“造生基”的可以在网上 寻搜。我曾经问过阿占爹,讲经堂的位置风水是不是很好,他说道目前讲经堂的位置是庙里风水最佳之地,后面环山而抱,代表贵人辅助。所以在这里下埋“生辰八 字铜符”绝对可以达到极佳的感应,对摧官、功名、保命、增壽、求婚、求子、啓智、進祿、招財等都极为有助,而此善举又是帮到讲经堂的建造,真是一举多得 啊。此“生辰八字铜符”的结缘金为RM99而已。


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