Thursday, July 10, 2014

Hungry Ghost Festival (盂兰节)

Today is the beginning of “Hungry Ghost Festival” and it will last for 1 month till 7/9/2010. In the tradition of Buddhists & Taoists, this is the important month to pacify those lost souls and to honor family ancestors. Throughout this month many rituals were performed to help those wandering spirits and also the family ancestors either by “physically” such as food feasting or by “mentally” such as performing chants to give merits back to them and to lead them enter into heaven.

At “Phapa”, the ritual set to pacify both the wandering souls and our family ancestor by offering them food and merits back through the power of chanting by eminent monk like Archan Tia himself and several else other monks. It is highly believed that if our ancestor and other spirits that has the connection with us get pleased, then we will not be disturbed by them and it will make our living become better.

For this entire 30 days of “Hungry Ghost Festival”, if you know how to do meditation you can perform the chanting of “Saphea Satha” before meditation and chant again after meditation to pay merits back to our ancestors, spirits or souls that we used to harm in our previous or present life and even to our family members that still living, and even to Buddha himself! “Saphea Satha” is a very powerful Pali chant and it is especially good to perform through out this month.

May our ancestors and those lost souls rest in peace, may triple gem lead them to the land of ultimate bliss and may all of us free from any form of mental disorders and gain precious wisdom. Sadhu, sadhu, sadhu!

Download: The Chant of Metta

今 年的洋历8月10号既是农历的七月初一,也是鬼门开的第一天,直至农历的七月三十,这整个月是佛教徒的盂兰节、祭祀祖先的日子,也是华人道教俗称的“中元 节”。在这个月里头会不管是民间街坊的普渡或者是庙宇举行的法会或个人家里的祭奠,用意都是在安抚我们的祖先以及亡灵。

在 这期间很多庙宇或者佛堂都会举行法会,以道家或者佛家的方式来超度亡灵。8月31号在空怀泰佛寺举办的“祖先公德法会”里头,善信们就可以借助师傅的法力 为自己的祖先或者冤情债主供食以及诵经徊向。一般上认为透过得道的高僧比如说像阿占爹这样阶级的师傅来为我们的祖先或者冤情债超度以及徊向的话,那些亡灵 就不会对阳世间上的亲人进行骚扰,得到慰籍的冤情债主也不会前来讨债,受到恩惠的孤魂野鬼还会对我们报恩。会打坐的的不妨在这一个月里定时坐禅诵经徊向给 自己的祖先,冤情债主或四方孤魂野鬼,相信这是集阴德的最佳良机。坐禅前后念以下的巴利文的徊向经:

Saphea Satha
Avera Hontu
Abyapaja Hontu
Anikha Hontu
Sukhi Attanang
Pari Harantoh x3


“愿一切有情众生:一切活着的众生、一切有形体的众生、一切有名相的众生、一切有身躯的众生、所有雌性的、所有雄性的、所有圣者、所有非圣者、所有天神、所有人类、所有苦道中的众生,无敌意、无危险。无精神的痛苦。无身体的痛苦。愿他们保持快乐。” 《慈经》


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