From: Date: Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 8:43 AM
Dear Venerable Archan Tia:
My triple gems homage and greetings to you. I am from Puchong, Selangor. I come to know you from the your blog about 1 year ago. I rented a few amulets from you last year Nangkwak & Somdej. Last month I rented again limited one rice somdej amulet from your wat through Mr Eng. Something started to happen last week after wearing for more than a month. Quite often I can feel my chest warmness and sometime like burning sensation of the amulet. I called Mr Eng for explantion and he concluded that it may be due to Archan Tia now in the deep meditation, reciting and chanting all the holy prayers to bless his Phra Sivali rian. So because the mantra chanting is so powerful it may also affect all the amulets that Archan Tia made.
That is not about it. One night I've a dream. In my dream there a man approached to me telling me that there is one "sifu" want to take me as his student. I said ok, then I followed him to meet the sifu. As seeing the sifu, I pay respect to him and he asked me to go for a flower bath ritual before accepting me as his student. Just about getting ready for my flower bath I woke up. I did not take this dream seriously at that time thinking that just another silly dream! So yesterday as usual I was on browsing internet reading the write up of Archan Tia's biography in the amuletforum. They also posted the photographs of Archan Tia and wat sg siput temple. To my shocking when I see the picture of LP Thep. I think it looks like him (sifu) that I saw in my dream. Now I'm not sure whether to take serious or not about my dream.... I hope Archan Tia will help me to clarify or interpret my dream. I also planning to come and meet Archan next month. I have mentioned to Mr Eng.
Sadhu, Sadhu, Sadhu.
Dear Translator,
I really hope you pass this message to Archan Tia. Please keep this confidential between you, me and Archan Tia. I really appreciate your help. Thank you so much.
From: Date: Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 8:19 AM
Dear Smith:
I visited Archan Tia last saturday with the help from Mr Eng. It was tiring journey driving all the way from Puchong. Archan Tia just smiled when related to him about my experienced. I really amazed with the view of the new ubosot that in construction! Well, as I promised you, now you can posted my letter in the forum.
Thks. Sadhu, Sadhu, Sadhu!
"This devotee has huge fate with Buddhism. Floral bath is to clean up the body, he has done it at temple by Archan Tia. From now on he should keep practicing Buddhism, he will achieve something very great. Hope this story to boost up the Buddhism faith of all."
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LP Thep |
发自: 时间: Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 8:43 AM
尊 敬的三宝。我来自浦纵,雪兰莪。我在大概一年前从你的部落格认识到你,随之就结缘了2010年祖先功德法会的招财女神和顺德佛牌,最近也通过黄先生结缘了 佛历2549年的限量版的米顺德。佩戴了米顺德大概一个月后我开始有所感应,我不时可以感觉到胸口有股炎热的气流,感觉上好像那米顺德佛牌在燃烧着。我打 了一通电话给黄先生,他解释到可能是最近阿占爹师父在积极的坐禅颂大经开光西哇利佛牌以及其它所有的圣物时,所发出去的能量导致所有出自他的圣物都接收到 了能量。
还不止这样,有一晚在睡梦中,我梦见有一个人走向我,他跟我说有一位 “师父” 要收我为徒,叫我跟他走。我答应了他,就跟着他走到那位师父的前面。见了那位师父后,我向他顶了一个礼。随后他师父吩咐我必须冲花凉,正在准备冲花凉的时 候,我就莫名其妙的醒了。我并没有把这梦放在心上。有一天我在漫游网络,在某个英语媒介佛牌的论坛游揽时,看见了有关阿占爹的贴子,他们也有介绍了阿占爹 以及空怀泰佛寺的资料,正在游揽时,我大吃一惊,因为我看到了 LP Thep 的照片,我心想这位师父正不是我在梦中遇见的那位吗?(很显然这位善信很少游揽此部落格,不然他早就认识 LP Thep 了,呵呵),我不知道这意味着什么,是否 LP Thep 想传达一些信息。我会在下个月和黄先生一起到庙里向阿占爹询问这件事,希望可以得到一些答案。
发自: 时间: Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 8:19 AM
亲爱的 Smith:
我 已经从庙里回来了,在黄先生的协助下我们到了庙里拜访阿占爹。一路从雪兰莪北上,我必须说那是很累人的路程。当我跟阿占爹说了我的经历后,他没有说什么, 只是笑笑而已。(由于法门的禁忌,有时候阿占爹是无法透露任何东西的)。我对讲经坛的构造感到很惊讶,那是多么漂亮的建筑物啊。好了,之前答应了让你发布 我的电邮,现在你可以这样做了。希望可以加持大家对佛教的信仰!谢谢,善哉,善哉,善哉。
“这位善信很有佛缘。冲花凉是要洗刷不好的东西,阿占爹已经在庙里帮他做了。他应该努力积极的学佛,他将会达到很高的层次。 希望这故事可以加持大家对佛教的信仰。”
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