Thursday, July 10, 2014

Pha Pa tree sponsorship & 钱树报效 ( 2014 )

Pha Pa tree sponsorship
For this coming Wai Kru, Archan Tia offer “Phapa” tree for the sponsorship price of RM1000 each. All sponsorship will directly pass to the monk representative of Wat Kura after the Wai Kru event. This sponsorship will help in develop the statue of LP Thuad. The statue was 9.99 meter high and it will become the trademark/ hotspot for Kedah temple.

Welcome to the Wai Kru event. Your kind contribution and good deeds are unfailing investments, thank you and may triple gems and LP Thop bless you all, sadhu, sadhu, sadhu!

在这即将来临的5月1号拜师法会中阿占爹准备了钱树功德给善男信女,每棵钱树的报效金为RM1000,所筹得到的款项将归入Wat Kura 9.99米高 LP Thuad法相的建筑基金。这法相将会变成吉打州其中一个地标性的寺庙。


联络师傅的电话 04-7522984

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