Thursday, July 10, 2014

Intro (部落格简介)

This blog is specially created for the info of Archan Tia of Wat Sungai Siput. The purpose of this blog is not try to make him look "famous" but to spread the good will and good faith of buddhism and the info for those who ever need help. For more about Archan Tia please click here.

He is indeed a great master that money is never a concern to him, all of the donation will goes to the temple building and also to fund the teaching class for local's poor children.

He is capable of sak yant (tattoo), amulet making, amulet / statue blessing, chanting, meditation, spiritual ritual for bringing personal's good luck and etc.

He is Siamese from Thai and speak only little in Hokkien. He is not a talker but he always try hard to understand what you are trying to say to him. The temple is equipped with telephone but the line is not always in good condition, you can see how to reach him from the Contact page.

这 是阿占爹的官方部落格,成立此部落格的目的并非是为了让阿占爹看起来很出名,而是为了要提供给外界人士更多的正确信息,把南传佛教于最简单但又不失庄严的 方式带给大家来认识,以独特的角度去分析加以解剖,让这既熟悉又陌生的领域可以跨越大家的心灵。请以礼貌性以及成熟性的态度来进行交流,大家有缘来到这里 就是一家人。佛门有八萬四千种,各型各式,各个都非完美,但各个都引人向善,我们怀着一颗努力学习以及真诚的心,用自己的型式来跟佛陀做更进一步的接触! 这里支援中英文交流,大家有问题的可以发问,但还是老套那句,如果可以的话就亲身去见阿占爹,因为我们只是他的信徒,不能代表他本身,如果有什么表达不对 就不好了。祝福大家,善哉!善哉!善哉!

Take a peak at Wat Sungai Siput from the following video that created by my friend Vince few years ago:

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