Monday, December 22, 2014

Donation for building of Vihara

Archan Tia is planning to build a small vihara to worship LP Thep Lok Udon, Archan Toh Wat Rakhang, LP Thop. the Bucha recently delivered is now temporarily placed in Tam Nak Phu.

Draft of suggested floor plan:

  1. Donation for Pillar 
    • 10 pillars are needed for the Vihara - Pillars are marked with 'Red Circle' on floor plan
    • RM3000 per pillar
    • Archan Tia will present the donor with Somdej - Wat Rakhang (2545)
  2. General donation for Vihara building 
    • For those who donates RM100 and above, Archan Tia will write down donor name and birthday on the small piece of copper (yant phok ka sap). A total of 3 pieces will be used (1 for each bucha). These copper sheets will chanted and then put under the bucha. Timeless blessing and protection for the donors.

Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!

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