Thursday, October 23, 2014

New batch of Takrut by Archan Tia - Takrut Phet Cha Khap

Archan tia made his first batch of takrut when he came to Malaysia while residing in Wat Kura. The takrut is tested with gunshot, fired for 3 times but none successful. The takrut is called Takrut Phet Cha Khap. We are fortunate as Archan Tia decided to make 2nd batch of this takrut. There are 6 different yants compiled in 3 sets
1st Set:
1. LP Thop heart yant - kongkrapan, prevent black magic, safety

2nd Set:
2. LP Suk (Wat Makkamtao) 12 Directional yant - increase metta, relationship, business & safety
3. LP Suk (Wat Makkamtao) Wind, Fire, Water, Earth yant - overall protection
4. Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha heart yant - reflect bad things from happening, prevent black magic

3rd Set:
5. LP Thep Sivali heart yant - increase wealth, relationship & business
6. Buddha  heart yant - kongkrapan

Archan mentioned he chose copper sheet because these yants works best on it instead of silver or even gold sheet.

2 versions of the takrut are available
1. Normal type (6cm long) using 1pcs copper yant. Only 99pcs available - RM150/pcs
2. Jumbo type (9cm long) with extra 16 buddha yant surrounding the copper yant. 3pcs copper yants rolled together. Only 19pcs available. - RM900/pcs
Functions: Safety, metta, good in business, avoid black magic, reflect actions - someone does something bad to you will experience the same for himself

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